We've been extremely busy over the past year! Here is a round up of some of the things we've been involved in
New Technology for Creative Arts
£8,828 in funds were raised and we were able to buy 20 iPads for the Art Department.
The children will be using the iPads to research famous artists and use visual resources to support and inspire their work. In addition, the children have the opportunity to undertake some filming, explore some photograph manipulation as well as some use of paint apps. The iPads are not intended to replace the more traditional art skills and materials but rather add to the children's experiences.
Mr. Howes is in the process of procuring £700 worth of guitar equipment with the profits from the Music Night held in February 2020.
OAFS also purchased a MacBookPro for the Music department and we also purchased a Camcorder and Tripod for use throughout the school
New storage & location for Second Hand Uniform
Instruments resale whatsapp group
Our Online Second Hand Uniform website has had a successful year!
Now we have new premises and a wonderful stock storage system to make your ordering experience faster.
More Live, in-person sales to come this year!
We are also pleased to be able to tell you about our musical instrument resale group.
This will give you the opportunity to get rid of unwanted instruments or to upgrade as your child grows at Oakfield.
To join this group, please contact your class rep or email: oakfieldfriendschair@gmail.com
Any feedback on either if these offerings is very much appreciated.
Playground Refurbishment & Equipment
Phase 2 of the Prep playground refurbishment was completed during the spring, with the installation of a new stage area. It has been a great addition, facilitating play as well as expanding opportunities for outdoor teaching.
In order to encourage group play during break times, OAFS replaced the worn table tennis tables and purchased additional football tables for the Prep playground. On the Pre Prep side, balance and pedal bikes were purchased for the children as well as sheds to store their playground equipment.
Ongoing Support
Here you'll find a list of things we will continuously support
Did You Know That OAF's...
A Few Things We Arrange..
Cake Sales
New Parent Coffee Morning
Cauliflower Cards
Santa Run
Quiz Night
Live Music Evening
Christmas Tree Sales
Summer Fair
Second Hand Uniform Sales
Funds the lease of the school mini bus, which is used to transport the children to sports fixtures and other excursions.
Contributes to the Year 6 Leavers Party? This year OAFS donation will remain at £15 per child (as per last year), with the remainder of the funding coming from the Year 6 parents and/or fundraising by the Year 6 children.
Pays for a small fun event for every year group within school premises. For example, Upper Foundation & Year 1 Story for Bedtime and Year 2 Film Night.
Funds a theatre company to come to Oakfield and provide a workshop for the whole school​